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Happy to answer your questions!

My Fit Weight Coaching, LLC 

1124 Longmeadow Street (Route 5) 

Longmeadow, MA 01106


  • About how long does the program take before I reach my main goals? 

    Every client is different and has a whole host of varying circumstances in their human biology, mindset, and social environment to name a few. Your coach will be tuned in to your progress with experience and expert software tracking.  You and your coach share the same excitement about reaching your goals in the most efficient and effective way possible.  Sustained healthy eating that benefits total wellness is best defined by feelings of health - you will know that great feeling when you are there.

  • I am now out of shape compared to the years when I was athletic, especially back in school. This is frustrating, what happened?

    It is a normal occurrence at any stage, especially those years following your education.  Eating on the go, being stressed with deadlines, and getting as much available energy from food was what you dealt with then.  Many of those daily habits, especially around food, are easily normalized but not what you currently need in your present stage of life. Energy balance is just one of the multitude of factors that can affect how you are feeling less “in shape”.

  • My friends had some results from a magazine article they read about detox.  Should I be doing that, too?

    Your body is designed to be an amazing detoxer and protector.  It is not needed at all to follow a trendy article on a detox or cleanse.  Many times quick fix results are very temporary and can lead to imbalances that actually cause future increases in body fat.  Short cuts feel great until you wipe-out of the road.  Similarly, seeking perfection is a road of never ending disappointing potholes.  Coaching teaches sustainable habits that you agree with and become skilled at doing daily.  Eating whole foods, and less processed foods regularly is a much better plan than a magazine article.  Coaching is designed just for you.

  • Should I be having a sports drink or a shake for every workout (usually around 45 minutes)?

    Sports drinks may be applicable for an intense exercise or competitive event that lasts much longer than an hour resulting in significant depletion of minerals and energy.  This would also depend on conditions such as heat and humidity.  The typical protein shake can be loaded with extra unneeded calories, and the kinds that are pre-packaged are highly processed with additives and stabilizers.  Your coach will help you be selective and interpret labels if and when you find it might be advantageous. 

  • If I miss one or two weeks with my coach, will my results tank?

    No worries, as long as you continue to practice the skills you learn consistently.  Coaches do not perform magic, instead they help you transform your life to better nutrition and total wellness, which is totally super cool!

  • Is it possible to work with both me and my significant other?  If so, is the rate doubled?

    It would be awesome to coach both of you.  Some of the coaching does require individualized attention.  Your coach will let you know when that applies.  There will be a reduced rate when the two of you are coached together.  This is a wonderful way to achieve support as you both aspire to achieve the best total wellness possible through nutrition, lifestyle habits, and selfcare.  This is a double-header win-win!

  • I have old injuries so it is hard to go to the gym and workout on machines, will I still get in better condition?

    Being as active as you can practically be is helpful, but you don’t have to be on machines at all.  Thankfully there are many ways to exercise, or be active, that might still work around your injuries.  You will explore these options with your coach.  Most importantly, you will learn about energy balance and daily habits that will make a great difference in your life.

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